>> Travel Survey <<

Your favourite countries to holiday in are:

Country Answers % Chosen
United States 21 15%
South Africa 11 7.86%
France 8 5.71%
Canada 6 4.29%
Spain 5 3.57%
Italy 5 3.57%
Greece 5 3.57%
Australia 4 2.86%
Portugal 4 2.86%
Cuba 4 2.86%
Somalia 4 2.86%
Germany 3 2.14%
Austria 2 1.43%
Namibia 2 1.43%
Switzerland 2 1.43%
Romania 2 1.43%
Mauritius 2 1.43%
Indonesia 2 1.43%
Ethiopia 2 1.43%
Botswana 2 1.43%
Iraq 2 1.43%
Czech Rep. 2 1.43%
India 2 1.43%
Japan 2 1.43%
Peru 2 1.43%
Morocco 1 0.71%
Tunisia 1 0.71%
Swaziland 1 0.71%
Croatia 1 0.71%
Thailand 1 0.71%
Malta 1 0.71%
Scotland 1 0.71%
Bermuda 1 0.71%
Russian Federation 1 0.71%
Maldives 1 0.71%
Benin 1 0.71%
Ireland 1 0.71%
Barbados 1 0.71%
Kenya 1 0.71%
England 1 0.71%
Korea, Dem. People Rep 1 0.71%
Uruguay 1 0.71%
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 0.71%
Chile 1 0.71%
Costa Rica 1 0.71%
American Somao 1 0.71%
Cocos Islands 1 0.71%
Puerto Rico 1 0.71%
Singapore 1 0.71%
Dominican Rep. 1 0.71%
Finland 1 0.71%
Guyana 1 0.71%
Virgin Islands, U.S. 1 0.71%
Egypt 1 0.71%
Madagascar 1 0.71%
Wales 1 0.71%
Slovenia 1 0.71%
Sri Lanka 1 0.71%
Seychelles 1 0.71%

Your favourite accommodation types while on holiday are:

Accommodation Answers % Chosen
Hotel 35 25%
Camping 26 18.57%
Bed & Breakfast 21 15%
Hostel 20 14.29%
Holiday Resort 17 12.14%
Self-catering 16 11.43%
Motel 5 3.57%

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