Help the Community
This site has been going for a while now, in fact, over 5 years and is still going strong. Thanks to all of those who visit, contribute and make suggestions.
I just wanted to point out that if you happen to come across something inaccurate or incorrect on the site, let us know. If we are wrong then clearly we made a mistake and are spreading disinformation which is unhelpful and that’s exactly what we want to avoid.
That brings me to my next point. A while ago I was trawling search results involving this site and came across an entry by some dude in Spain who said Travelcreek was spreading a load of bullocks about this or that part of Spain. That’s exactly the attitude that will get you nowhere fast. Instead of pointing out the error to us and thus enhancing the site and helping people, he just decided to write a blog entry and be just plain nasty. How useful is that? Not very at all!
So basically, please let us know about our errors that way everyone can enjoy their holiday to the max!
Happy Holidays!
December 20th, 2006