This site has plenty of people linking to it’s images and using it’s images. To those of you doing it in good faith, thanks! To those of you who aren’t, well whatever.
I don’t mind people who use my images. I’d appreciate a quick email asking for permission to do so but I realise this probably won’t happen. I got a couple of emails from people in the past doing just that, it was really quite humbling. One of them I think was a little Japanese kid doing a school project, now that is a good kid. Of course, I said sure, go for it young person.
A link back to the site itself on top of the link to the image would be great. It would help me out tons. It’s a back-handed compliment from those of you who like my photos. I could rattle a few pictures that are very popular amongst users but I won’t, I’ll just say thanks again for the compliment.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the site and do come again, gives me smile…
December 10th, 2007
Today I bought a product pretty much solely on the environmental benefits it provided.
I’ve never tried this product but it’s a deodorant, you know the stuff that makes you smell nice. Well, if I buy the roll-on version for 2/3 the price of my usual brand and I like it, then I can buy a refill for 1/2 the price of my usual brand and re-use the roll-on ball part. I thought that was really freakin’ cool.
Seriously, finally, a product developer thought about it, the roll-on ball is a total waste, we throw it away every time we’re done with the deodorant, and meanwhile, it is entirely re-usable. All I have to do is “unclip” or whatever the original roll-on ball, buy a refill pack, take off the cover from the refill which now uses less plastic but as far as I can see could use less by just putting a nice strong film instead of a full-on lid, and “clip-on” the old roller ball onto the refill.
How cool is that??!! I so hope every corporate company selling products using way too much plastic packaging, most of it dead weight, implements similar innovation. And what’s good for them profit wise because they save cash, is good for the environment.
The product is Shield Deodorant by Unilver, way to go Unilever
November 15th, 2007